What happens to HECS debt in a family law settlement?

HECS debt is front of mind following the announcement from the Australian government that millions of Australians with student loans will have hundreds of dollars wiped from their HECS debts as the federal government rolls out its plans for cost-of-living relief in the 2024/25 budget.
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What to include in a parenting plan

Working out how to parent after a separation can be daunting and you may have heard the term ‘parenting plan’ from those you know that that have separated and had children involved in the process.
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I’m getting divorced. When can I revert to my maiden name?

In Australia, the process and legalities surrounding name changes during or after divorce are often misunderstood. Here we clarify the procedure and legal considerations for changing your name in the context of family law and divorce in Australia.
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Webinar: Transform today - empower your tomorrow

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Supporting Women's Legal Centre this EOFY: Parker Coles Curtis pledges to match community donations

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Financial abuse, the role of banks and a parliamentary inquiry

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Mother's Day Community support and empowerment

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Transforming parenting arrangements: new family law changes put children first

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Child support – what is it and how does it apply to me?

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How to explain divorce to your kids in a child-friendly way 

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Embracing neurodiversity in family law: a compassionate guide 

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Catherine Coles and the Menslink Greatest Walk: a journey of strength, courage, and community

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Who should continue occupying the family home?

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Navigating Cryptocurrency in Family Law: Unveiling the Hidden Digital Wealth

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From Hollywood to your home: navigating relationship changes

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ACT Law Firm of the Year

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Navigating the Summer Holidays: Preparation, Fun, Safety, and Family Harmony

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The Ripple Effect: Healthy men, masculinity and building healthy communities on International Men’s Day and beyond

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Self-care during separation and divorce

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NSW Police Launch “Empower You” as the prevalence of reported Family Violence rises across Australia

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Navigating the Digital Dating World Safely: Protecting Yourself and your Rights

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Who keeps the dog?

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Social media and coparenting

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Navigating property settlement

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Uneasy viewing, but ‘Safe Home’ is a must-watch

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Inspiring hope this Mothers’ Day

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Blending families after divorce

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Financial settlement after separation?

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Criminalising coercive control

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iphone could negatively affect family law evidence

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Australian paid family violence and DV leave

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Parental Alienation Awareness Day

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A significant day for women of the legal profession

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Tips for a successful co-parenting Christmas

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R U OK? Day

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“Financial Resources” – What’s all the fuss about?

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Collaboration vs mediation

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No fault divorce

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Rising costs and women leaving relationships

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Boutique firm of the year!

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Looking for a new family lawyer?

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Books to help kids cope with separation & change

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Hiding superannuation no more…

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Omicron and separated homes and blended families

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I think my friend is at risk of domestic abuse

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Top 5 books to get you through your divorce

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New year, new me

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Disagree on COVID vax for your children?

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Economic abuse

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Custody, Christmas & Covid – the juggle is real

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Helpful hints for email communication with your lawyer

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Home Buyer Concession Scheme Canberra ACT

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How do I know if I’m in a de facto relationship?

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2021 Lawyers Weekly Partner of the Year Awards

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Recent client reviews

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The Best Family Lawyers in Canberra

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National Champions of Pride Award

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Need for a ‘family violence toolkit’

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I need to go to Court. What do I do?

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Parenting Orders and Notice of Risk form

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Family law mediation: 10 things you need to know

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8 signs that mean it’s time to see a family lawyer

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Google search: separation or divorce

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Two houses, one Christmas.

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